Wednesday, December 5, 2012

                                                                                The Tea Party.....

You Know these Men
                                        You know Them Well...

        Holders of PURITY
               Holders of JUSTICE
                      Holders of HONESTY
    Holders of RIGHTEOUSNESS
                                          Yes My Friends Holders of AMERICAN LIBERTY

     Where do they come from
             Who Do they BE
                   Holders of MY liberty...........
                                                                  NOT  HARDLY.......

The Privileged............Segregate

     I will not Speculate as to their Innate dominant ability to
Segregate, Dissociate, Procrastinate, Masturbate, and Emasculate
every of Color Primate, as well as, Formulate, Manipulate, Exasperate,
and Postulate to Ingratiate to their Novitiate Their Divine Right to MAGISTRATE &
"THEY will always Be Better than We the .....e,"
                                                                                Oh Say Can YOU see,
                                                                                                                     The Tea PARTY....!


Monday, February 13, 2012

The Tale of Love....

On this day know as Valentine's Day is the day for Love and Lovers.  As with all the other aspects of Life there are two sides.  Yes there are two sides of Love.  My postings will give you my view of Love and I welcome your thoughts........

                   May I Join YOU at YOUR Garden Gate.........

May I join You at YOUR Garden Gate
        If it is only for YOUR                                                  Sight
        If it is only for YOUR Eyes Twinkle                           Bright
May I join You at YOUR Garden Gate
        If it is only for YOUR                                                  Touch
        If it is only for YOUR            Smell                             Taste        to        Embrace
May I join You at YOUR Garden Gate
        If it is only to Create                              That                Loving Smile upon thy Face
May I meet YOU
        May I Entreat YOU
                May I join YOU at YOUR Garden Gate.........

   *******************************The Other Side*********************************

                                               What Is The Sadness.........

What is the Sadness
         What is the Hurt
                   What is the Pain

What is the Loneliness
         What is the Devastation
                    What is the Strain

What is the Emptiness
         What is the Frustration
                  What is the walk in the Rain

What is the Madness
         What is the Consternation
                  What is the Refrain

What is the Sadness
                               The Loneliness
                                                        The Emptiness
                                                                                The Madness
I Lost the Dove
                        The Glove
                                        My Love..........
"Tis Better to have Loved and Lost than to NEVER to have LOVED at all.."