Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Teaching Moment

Lost….2 me, ‘U’, and

The Miracle……

Mr. Martin and the Dolphin


            “At its CORE the VALUE is OUR place in Relationships

No Family…No Soap!!!!”….. “Yalla,” S.U.A.D. pub.2013


            In a time where we have so dissected and categorized our every sensibilities that we have forgotten our simplicities.  In a time where we can literally, with a key-stroke, reach-out and touch the world.  Is it compelling as a society we have become depraved?  “Ideology separates us and evil, as well as, death brings us together.”  Go figure?

            There is a book written by William Golding which in my view is an element at the heart of this dilemma.  A dilemma that, “We the People,” society, and all of humanity face.  Simply stated, “Without Authority Is man depraved?

                        IF:  You categorically and ethnically approach the vitality of Life with Lust.

                        IF:  You view indulging in self-fulfilling, selfish, and self-gratification as the norm.

                        :. Therefore


                                                                You ‘R’


In other words, the true test of a man:  “What Does He do with His Blessings?”

            As we journey through life one of the blessings is, “Out of the mouth of Babes,” i.e. through their innocence and naiveté, sometimes they utter, the hilarious, to the thoughtfulness, to the profound. We are amazed and taken-aback by their contributions to dialogue.  However, on the scale of acceptance, these pronouncements may vary from joy and impressive to shameful revelations of language, associations, behavior, and/or interpretations. “Children copy and/or mimic the behavior and bearing of the family, adults, authority, and education involved in their socialization process.” 

            In Miami Florida, specifically the NFL franchise Dolphins, the rubber hit-the-road with a BANG.  The world was exposed to the underbelly of the BEAST.  The vile pursuit of man for dominion simply because HE can.  A management structure in place whose plea from the onset was, “nolo contendre.”  While simultaneously fostering, encouraging, and empowering the adoption of a, “Machismo,” character and personality.  Thus disseminating the following: Family, Values, Belief-system, Honor-system, ethics code, and chain of hierarchy.  In other words a True Warrior System.  Mind you this in-and-of-itself bears no evil given the profession of NFL professional football.  However, when reason is thrown to the wind in the quest of ultimate success, i.e. “Take no prisoners at all costs mentality,” a disease can blossom.  Remember for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.  John Steinbeck once said, “A Sad soul can kill you quicker…Quicker than a Germ.”  Should a perceived difference of environment, social-economic status, family origin and structure, ethnicity, belief-system, cognitive ability, and conflict-resolution-system be openly ridiculed and ostracized?  Especially among college educated men and a successful businessman.

            This Bravado jumped to the forefront with the birthday wish of the brothers “P,” support of a New England player arrested for murder.  It should be noted that the brother in the Pittsburg family recanted.

            This Bravado jumped to the forefront with the interview conducted by an ESPN commentator in Miami in which veteran perks, namely, “Jet-Skies,” are acquired.

            This Bravado jumped to the forefront when in the interview of prospective NFL prospects the Dolphin GM queried, “If his mother was a prostitute?”  But what is even more puzzling is, this is the same individual, i.e. Dolphin GM, clearly stated the resolution of the Martin dilemma be settled by big-boy Mano a Mano confrontation…..Bully……Bully!!!

            In the book, “Lord of the Flies,” written by William Golding tells a story of young-men from a private-school on an outing.  Due to unforeseen circumstances these young-men end up marooned without guidance and authority on an island to fend for themselves.  Given the dire dilemma these young-men faced, and despite the obvious character and personality differences which existed before this event; leadership was established.  We see the interplay of the greater-good vs. personal self-gratification alpha-male leadership.  Choices we all make during our lifetime.  Choices which have consequence.  Through their eyes we are drawn into the conflict of life itself.  Consider……What, if any, are the elements that separate us from our animal, “Only the strong-survive mentality?”

            For millenniums, in most cultures, young-men at age twelve transition from boyhood to manhood.  Since Adam & Eve the role of the male has been etched in stone.  To prepare young-men for this journey fathers gave to sons the lessons of pride, duty, honor, and responsibility.  Connecting the dots of animal behavior and thought process to life.

            The book shows us character and personality differences of at least two of the boys existed before this event.  Finally this personal and public conflict comes to a head.  There comes a split in the group of boys.  The alpha-male was eaten-up with rage and jealously.  So much so that he directs and leads his group to hunt the other group of boys.  The crescendo occurs when the alpha-male captures one of the boys from the splinter group and begins the death-stroke.  It is at this time the search and rescue party arrives.  The boys become boys again.  The boys bow to authority without loss-of-life.  I query…..?  Is mans existence intrinsic i.e. animal, seven-deadly-sins, depraved, pleasure, vs. cognitive ability, reason, law-of-ten, and empowerment?

            In both cases we see man. One view is from the beginning of the journey to manhood with its influences at the point of conflict.  The other view, namely, the Miami view from adulthood real world reality.  The true test of a man: What does he do with his blessings?  Is there something to be said about us? “For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.”  Consider….How do we learn?  What is a modicum of respect?  Do we versus and conflict consequence, discipline, conflict-resolution, and maturity?  A successful businessman with professional men administrating, coaching, guiding, and encouraging college educated men in very questionable behavior and social structure simply, “Chaps-my-Hide.” Are the inmates running the asylum?  Is there a difference maker between the story in the book and the Dolphins experience?  Is the Dolphin experience normal discourse emblematic of the new society standards, morals, and socialization?  Or is this experience an enigma of special circumstance?

            Mans blessing is free-will.  Man can accentuate to elevate and/or emasculate himself.  Wherein does the balance lay?  Where will balance be identified, nurtured and reinforced?  We see in the book the young boys, yearning to become men, make choices.  We also see in Miami educated men make choices.  The link and flaws are for all to see.  So big picture, “Who has claim to manhood and mans development?  Have we so separated, dissected and categorized our lives and institutions viable for the very fabric of life itself?  Is demagoguery of every and all standards we once held to be sacred and sacrosanct the new direction for man?  For one thing I can hold true, fear and ignorance double-up on knowledge all the time.

            There exists in man a relationship between anatomy and physiology.  The structure and function of animal man.  Is it then logical that there also exists a relationship between immaturity an maturity?  We as animals, at birth are blank-slates.  Thus begins the transfer of knowledge, identity, feelings, and nurture.  A teaching moment lost to me, you, and the miracle.  In the book the boys given the experience they have lived will aide in their pursuit to manhood.  There is room for growth, understanding, and insight due to this event in-and-of-itself.  However, Miami thrusts forth the view a professional and successful businessman who hires administrative staff to include coaches, doctors and medical staff, i.e. college educated men abdicate authority to produce the Martin dilemma at all.  The totality of fear, ignorance, and immaturity among highly educated men takes my breath away.  I query…..How do we learn?  Common place or enigma?  Just a simple story or emblematic of society today?  “Children copy and/or mimic the behavior and bearing of the family, adults, authority, and education involved in their socialization process.”   “A Kingdom of Conscience,” …….provided We acknowledge, accept, and reinforce its Value.


Frank S. O’Neal